You can make a difference!

Volunteering with Eggleston makes a huge difference in the lives of the people we serve. Eggleston always appreciates monetary donations that support our work in assisting individuals with disabilities; however, we also value the time and talent given to us by our community volunteers. There are so many ways to get involved with Eggleston, from painting or gardening to our annual OK5k, there are opportunities for volunteers at all levels of our organization - so sign up below to learn more on how you can become an Eggleston Volunteer!

Ideas for getting involved with Eggleston:

  • Host a shredding drive with your organization, school, or business.
  • Attend one of our Urban Farm Monthly Volunteer Days (typically on Saturday’s from 10-12).
  • Start a fundraising page on our network for good site.
  • Get a group together to volunteer at one of our signature events like the United Way Day of Caring or the annual Day of Service.
  • Invite a member of our leadership team to attend your church, civic, or other group function to speak about the work we do.
  • Make a donation of tickets, memberships, or other items that would benefit our Community Members (they love to go on outings).

Volunteer Inquiry

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