Sarah Bonwell Hudgins Center

The Sarah Bonwell Hudgins Center is a 40-acre campus in Hampton, VA, for persons with disabilities. Eggleston manages operations on this campus for the Sarah Bonwell Hudgins foundation. The center enables persons with disabilities to develop skills, work, enjoy life, and learn to live independently in a safe, caring environment.

Facilities to Foster Development

In addition to four group homes for residents, the Center features the Jennifer S. Kincaid Education Building; the Ted Pritchard Gymnasium, a full-sized gym for recreation and therapy; the Picnic Pavilion and swimming pool; and the Bagley Building. Additionally, the Rufus R. Kennedy Industrial Center houses a business services workshop for adults with disabilities and secure document conversion and shredding operations. Off-campus, Eggleston employees from the SBH Center provides a capable work force to corporations such as Canon Virginia, giving our associates meaningful work experience in a commercial environment.

The commercial kitchen provides hot lunches to program participants and the community. A special Eggleston program offers day activities and peer contact for associates who have reached retirement age.

Multiple Uses for Many Users

The SBH campus also host major Boy Scout special activities and is the home of Explorer Post 140, the first Boy Scout troop in the nation specifically created for boys with disabilities. The campus hosts Monday night “sock-hop” dances, movie nights, field trips, and games which are provide year-round.

Many outside groups such as the Exchange Club and Disabled American Veterans meet at the center as well.