Never too Late to Achieve Your Dreams

Never too Late to Achieve Your Dreams

Whether at 16 or 60, many people see a driver’s license as a symbol of independence and freedom, and Will is no different. Will first came to Eggleston as a traumatic brain injury survivor and has been a member of Eggleston’s Brain Injury Clubhouse program, Beacon House, for many years. He began receiving in-home supports in 2020 and with the help of his direct support professional (DSP), Anthony, got his own apartment. Recently, Will reached another major life goal, obtaining his driver’s license and getting his own car!

We recently sat down with Will and his DSP, Anthony, to discuss what this milestone meant to him.

Tell me about the journey to get Will’s driver’s license:

Anthony: When I first got assigned to Will one of the first things he told me he wanted to do was get his license back. And I could see in his eyes that he was determined! We talked everyday about the goals he needed to achieve and step by step we achieved those goals by going to the appropriate doctor visits, staying in touch with the DMV and family. While doing this, we were also able to achieve other goals Will had planned for himself.


Was the process an easy one?

Anthony: There were some hiccups along the way, but Will rose to the occasion and accomplished those goals. After finally getting his license, Will was blessed by a family member and was given a car. Lucky we had already planned an appointment at the DMV in advance and it was only a short while before Will was able to get his registration and be back in the community driving.


Will how is life on the road?

Will: I loving being back on the road and driving for me is like riding a bike. I remembered.

Anthony: He obeys the laws of the roads and is able to go to the places he enjoys the most like The Recreation Center, First Landing State Park, Visiting friends from his old neighborhood as well as some of the various restaurants he frequented when he was living at home giving him the ability to still be a part of his community.


Will’s story is a true testament to what you can achieve when you make a plan and never give up. If you happen to see Will on the road, give him a thumbs up from his family at Eggleston!