Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Together we can make a difference.


Photo: Gaylords of sorted bulk dry goods assembled by the volunteer team

On Wednesday, 08/02/2023, representatives from Eggleston, Robert Williams, Jeff Hoel, and Paul Atkinson, Jr., volunteered with Operation Blessing. This volunteerism involved meal kit preparation for distribution in disaster relief operations. The trio from Eggleston worked alongside five other volunteers to unpackage and sort bulk dry goods.

Jeff saw this as an opportunity to share his passion for Eggleston’s mission with the Operation Blessing staff and the other volunteers, remarking, “Even though we were helping them, they were learning about us.” Robert shared this sentiment, saying, “I got to meet some new friends. Everyone was friendly. I told them all that I was a brand ambassador for Eggleston.”

Volunteering is not only a way for Eggleston to engage with our neighbors but also demonstrate our capabilities. Robert spoke to this idea, stating, “I like to volunteer to show that I can do any kind of work in the community.” I can vouch for the impressive effort. The team efficiently dispatched with the duties and, after a tour of the warehouse, ended the engagement ahead of schedule.

As Jeff summarized it, “Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time.” We believe that Eggleston’s values are best demonstrated through action. Inclusive stewardship, such as volunteerism, is a demonstration of the shared organizational values. Stewardship is best demonstrated by the collaborative effort to care for the people, places, and things closest to home, in this region, and in the global community. This is Eggleston at our best. Thank you to Jeff, Robert, and Paul for demonstrating what right looks like.

Photo (left to right): Jeff, Paul & Robert