Meet Teslyn “Tes” Savage

Meet Tes!

Teslyn “Tes” Savage came to Eggleston as an intern in September of 2019. She was finishing an associate degree and planning to continue Human Resources and logistics work she began during her 14-year service the U.S. Army. However, once she started working with the members of Beacon House, she realized her career path was about to take a major turn. Tes explains she had always been passionate about helping people and thought Human Resources was a great way to serve others. But on day two of her internship, she realized her true calling was social work.

Tes was hired in November 2019 as a Direct Support Professional (DSP) providing community coaching and community engagement services to members of Beacon House. When Beacon House temporarily closed in March 2020 due to COVID-19 impact, Tes transferred to Anna House. She shared how she is always looking for learning opportunities and supporting individuals in a residential setting provided her a great opportunity to learn new skills and ways to support individuals with disabilities. Tes returned to Beacon House when it reopened later that year, but then she was equipped to apply her new skills with the members.

Knowing that Social Work was her true calling, Tes took some time to go back to school to begin working on her degree in Social Work. Since her return to Beacon House in September 2021, she has served as the Maintenance Unit Coordinator, the Communications Unit Coordinator, and the Beacon House Program Administrator & Employment Specialist where she was instrumental in updating the structure and policies to make duties more accessible for members and staff. Recently, Tes was promoted to the Beacon House Program Manager and is excited to see members continue to excel and for the Clubhouse to grow. “I love seeing people lead lives that are fulfilling and of their choosing, not what others want. I want this to be a safe space where members can be seen, heard, and feel important because they are,” said Tes.

When Tes isn’t working at Beacon House, she loves dancing and having fun with her son Brian, her dog, and her family and friends.