Eggleston Day Support Programs Hold a Halloween Decorating Contest!

The three finalists in the annual Halloween Decorating contest in Day Support were: Civitan Day Services, Military Highway Day Services, and Tidewater Drive Day Services. Every single site was brilliant and beautiful, yet very original creative and unique! We had 4 Judges visit each site and score the teams based on three areas: creativity, associate involvement, and overall Halloween feel. After the scores were tallied the judges realized just how close the scores were – and it was a tough decision to pick our winner!

Tidewater Drive did a fantastic job and hands down was the scariest site of all! Civitan was like seeing a Broadway musical! All the judges loved the theatrics and the City of Oz theme! However, as we all say, “There can only be one winner!” And this year’s winner is Military Highway Day Services. All the sites were creative and had associate involvement. However, Military Highway edged out the competition in the end. They scored high in creativity and participation with all the amazing handmade decorations by the associates.

Thank you for those who participated, and everyone should start planning for next year’s competition right now! Tidewater Drive, please prepare the mummy award from last year to be transported to Military Highway. Congratulations again Military Highway! Enjoy your award and bragging rights until next year!