To donate a vehicle call 757-963-8393
Running or not - we’ll come get it!
Thousands of people in Hampton Roads have found that donating a car or truck to Eggleston is an easy and rewarding way to make the most of a vehicle they no longer need. In addition to providing income, the Eggleston Automotive Center provides training and jobs for the people Eggleston serves.
Donated vehicles are cleaned, repaired and prepared for auctions by our people. Your donation helps them develop important job experience and, just as important, they learn people skills, getting along with fellow workers and dealing with customers.
When you donate your vehicle to Eggleston, the vehicle stays locally, local people benefit, and every dollar realized from the eventual sale continues fulfilling Eggleston’s mission. There are no outside agencies involved, giving you comfort that your donation helps in so many ways.
Plus, the donation is tax deductible! If you’re considering donating a car to charity, donate your car to Eggleston. Call (757) 963-8393 (Toll free: (866) 386-4483) or use our convenient contact form on the right of this page to get started.
Frequent Questions About Car Donation
What information or documents do I need to make a donation?
You only need to have a valid title.
Does the vehicle need to be operable?
How does Eggleston get the vehicle?
We will schedule a tow or you may drop it off at our Auto Center (3525 N. Military Highway, Norfolk, VA 23518).
How does Eggleston arrive at a dollar amount for the vehicle and subsequent tax deduction?
The vehicle is sold at auction and the donor may take $500 or the sale price of the vehicle.
Do we repair donated vehicles?
Yes, in many circumstances we do.
Where does the money go?
The proceeds from your donation are used to accomplish Eggleston’s mission of providing training education and employment opportunities to people with disabilities in Hampton Roads.
Where do you accept donations from?
We accept donations from Hampton roads and outlying communities.
How long does it take to sell the vehicle at auction?
Typically vehicles are sold in sixty days or less.
Does the donor need to be at home for us to accept a donation?
Do you take donations of other types of vehicles?
Yes we do. Please call the Eggleston Auto Center (757-963-8393) to determine eligibility.
What paperwork should I expect?
The tow driver will leave a Thank you card. A Thank You letter from the CEO will be mailed shortly after the donation. Upon the sale of the vehicle, a settlement letter will be issued. Prior to 01-31 of the following year, you’ll receive a 1098c form.
When will I get my 1098?
Prior to 01-31 of the year following the donation.
Want to make a monetary donation instead?
Your financial contribution may be made by mailing a check or online with a credit or debit card by clicking the image below. All financial contributions are tax deductible (as applicable by law).
The mailing address for checks made payable to “Eggleston” is:
Attn: Donations
1161 Ingleside Rd.
Norfolk, VA 23502