Have a family member with a disability that is looking for employment?
Eggleston is committed to linking adults with disabilities with opportunities for enhanced lives. Whether day support programs, or paid or unpaid training and employment, Eggleston strives to find suitable placement within the organization for individuals who want to enhance their ability to work and live independently.
Eggleston offers a variety of vocational opportunities as well as non-work day support for individuals with disabilities. The first step for participation in the various programs involves completing an assessment, and conversations about the choice of activities with the disabled individual and family.
Our general admission criteria for Disability Services include:
- Must have an Intellectual or Developmental disability
- Must be16 years of age or older
- Must be a recipient of the Intellectual Disabilities (ID) Medicaid Waiver, the Individual and Family Developmental Disabilities (DD) Medicaid Waiver, CSB Contract, or Private Funding
- Ability to benefit from services, including willingness to participate in community experiences, provided in group settings with the levels of staffing provided under current funding structures.
- Medical needs do not necessitate skilled Nursing Care during program hours
- Must be medically stable prior to admission including free from communicable diseases that pose a serious threat as defined by public health authorities (ex. Tuberculosis)
- Must not be deemed a threat to self or others (including no recent history of serious aggressive or violent behavior).
- Not abusing drugs or alcohol.
- Must submit required intake paperwork for admission.
View Available Openings and/or Submit a Referral
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Carey Yates, Disability Services Manager, [email protected]