Virtual Platform, Real Impact!

Making a Difference One School at a Time!

For the last 18 years 3 of the members of Beacon House have been traveling to local high schools to talk with students making good choices while driving such as not driving under the influence nor getting in the car with someone who has been drinking, driving fatigued or road rage. Members share their stories of how one poor decision led to their brain injury and changed their life forever. The gentlemen tell the students what their lives were like before the accident and what it has been like since.

Since most Hampton Roads schools are starting virtually this year the team at Beacon House decided to take their presentation virtual as well. Thanks to a grant from the City of Virginia Beach and Brandon Mitchell Films, they were able to record the members giving their presentation which will be sent to the schools to show students. They will then set up bi-monthly video calls so students and faculty can ask questions and interact with the members. So far they have presented to more than 75,000 students at 14 local high schools and with the help of the City of Virginia Beach and Brandon Mitchell Films that number will continue to grow.


To learn more about this program and how you can have it shown to your school or youth organization please contact Joann Mancuso at 757-631-0222.

#beaconhousevb #Eggleston #makinggoodchoices #chancechoiceconsequences #brandonmitchellfilms