New Vendor, Via, to Take Over Paratransit Services for Hampton Roads Transit Starting February 1, 2024

The HRT paratransit services​ contract will be administered by a new provider, Via, on 2/1/2020.

They will have the following informational meetings:

  • Jan.7 – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. – HRT, 3400 Victoria Boulevard, Hampton Facility
  • Jan.8 – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. – HRT, 509 East 18th Street, Norfolk Facility
  • Jan.16 – Noon to 2:00 p.m. – Prime Plus, 7300 Newport Avenue, Norfolk Wellness Center
  • Jan.16 – 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. – Norfolk Mayors Committee for Persons with Disabilities, 7300 Newport Avenue, Norfolk Wellness Center
  • Jan.21 – 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. – Denbigh Community Center, 15918 Warwick Boulevard, Newport News

Via and HRT will also visit the Eggleston

Corporate office located at

1161 Ingleside Road, Norfolk

on Friday, 1/17/2020, from 10 AM -12 PM.

These meetings are an opportunity for paratransit users, potential users, and paratransit service advocates to ask questions, learn about the service, and make introductions.

This is also an ideal venue to promote self-advocacy and foster independence with respect to transportation. Please consider attending or enabling a self-advocate to join the conversations.

For more information on non-Eggleston related information meetings please contact HRT at 757-622-6000.

For information regarding the meeting that will be held at Eggleston please contact Paul Atkinson, Jr. at 757-963-8393 x117.


More information can also be found on the HRT website: