Cox Communications Visits Remotes, Cords and Cables Refurbishment Centers to Show Thanks

Norfolk, VA - On Wednesday of last week our friends from Cox Communications stopped by to thank our folks for all their hard work helping them refurbish thousands of remotes, cords, and cables daily for their organization. Cox Communications has a goal of ZERO Waste that drives them to continue to think up of creative new ways to recycle and repurpose equipment. One of those ideas has generated an amazing partnership with Eggleston! Our Refurbishment teams are full of dozens of people who might not otherwise have a chance for meaningful work in the community. Within these programs they are able to make new friends, learn skills, earn money and - of course - HAVE FUN!

This most recent visit from our friends at Cox culminated with new shirts, a pizza party and fun photo ops! We appreciate all the many ways Cox Communications supports our organization and look forward to many more opportunities to partner together in the future.