Congratulations to Eggleston’s 2020 Annual Award Winners
Robert “Michael” Sadowski – Associate of the Year Day Program Services, Peninsula Day
Michael has been with Eggleston since 2013 and is known for his kind heart and polite manners. If you’re having a bad day or going through a rough time Michael will go out of his way to make you feel better with cards, pictures or just a kind word.
He loves arts and crafts and listening to music. Some of his favorite musicians are Ann Murray, Carol King and Helen Reddy. When the weather is nice Michael enjoys going for walks and when its not as nice he likes to take rides in the van.
James “Preston” Wagner – Associate of the Year Residential Services, Sawyer House
Preston has been a resident in one of Eggleston’s homes for many, many years. He is often referred to as the “Man of the House” because he is protective of the other residents and he is very handy. He is a huge Steelers fan and was very excited that football didn’t get canceled this year.
Preston was working but retired several years ago. He now enjoys attending Eggleston’s Day Program, volunteering at meals on wheels, attending church, and just getting out in the community.
Tania Meechan – Associate of the Year Brain Injury Services, Beacon House
When Tania began attending Beacon House, 2½ years ago she was quiet, shy, and insecure. She didn’t fully understand her limitations nor her strengths and was resistant to help. Once she accepted help from the staff she began to accept herself and see what she had to offer to others. She has become a leader at Beacon House. During the physical shutdown of the program (March – June) Tania facilitated a weekly zoom meeting for the members. She assisted the program manager with disinfecting the building, reorganizing the various units, and planting and maintaining the Beacon House garden. She is still learning to ask or assistance, when needed which is just another way she is leading by example.
Thomas Demary – Associate of the Year Community Employment, Pollard’s Chicken
While Thomas has been a resident in one of Eggleston’s group homes and used our day support services for about 4 years it was about a year ago he expressed a desire to get a job in the community. He entered the Community Employment program where he participated in several assessments in the community based on his interests to see which job would be the best for him. He started with Pollard’s Chicken in September 2019 and with the help of his Employment Coach he has been able to learn his job duties and develop new skills that offer more responsibilities.
Thomas takes a lot of pride in his work, never complains, and completes each task in a timely manner. He is proud to be part of the Pollard’s team and has not missed a day of work since he started. Thomas says the employment opportunity at Pollard’s along with the services he receives from Eggleston has allowed him to have a job, salary, to learn new tasks, develop friendships with his co-works, an opportunity to show he is able to do a good job at work, and allows him to leave his home to interact and meet new people in the community.
Robert Williams - Employee of the Year, Detailer EAC
For almost 11 years, Robert has been a detailer at Eggleston’s Automotive Center (EAC) cleaning and preparing the vehicles donated to Eggleston for auction. In addition to doing the best job he can and he is also quick to help a co-worker or supervisor whenever they need a hand. Robert makes the worksite a better place. He is always one of the first to learn a new training and is happy to show best practices to his fellow co-works. He is full of historical facts and loves to share his knowledge with this team by writing a new fact on the white board each day.
Robert has also always been an avid supporter and promoter of Eggleston and its events. Whether it’s passing out flyers to a community event or encouraging his coworkers to join him there. Robert truly embodies the Eggleston quality statement of Excellence in Action.
Edward Witkowski – Veteran of the Year, Production Supervisor Laundry Services
Eddie joined Eggleston in 2018 as the production supervisor in our Norfolk laundry after serving 20 years in the United States Navy. Today he take the same hands on approach and attention to detail he used in the Navy to oversee the day to day schedules for 15 different military and commercial contracts to make sure millions of pounds of laundry are cleaned, processed and delivered each year. We are lucky and proud to have veterans like Eddie as a part of the Eggleston team.
Tameo Joseph – Excellence in Action, DSP Residential Services
Tameo Joseph or TJ has held numerous roles in our residential services program during her 14 years with Eggleston. During her time here, she has maintained an impressive level of professionalism and regularly goes above and beyond her job expectations to ensure a productive and safe environment for those around her. Her hard-working, dedicated approach along with her considerations for others has made TJ a beloved and valued member of the Eggleston community and most of the residents would agree that she feels more like family than a staff member.
Tania Lee – Paul J. Atkinson Sr. Leadership Award, Interim Director of Business Services
Tania has been a vital member of the Business Services team for almost 7 years. In that time, she has successfully managed multiple business lines, helped create more work opportunities for individuals with disabilities and veterans, and helped to increase the Business Operations overall net profit 348% in 3 years.
Tania is committed to those she supports often staying late to provide additional training or working to create improved processes for her team members. Her dominating personality, intellect and effective communication aides in the relationships with stakeholders and ultimately helps provide additional jobs for the individuals we support!