Beacon House is a Clubhouse Program organized to support individuals living with the effects of brain injury.
Through participation in a Clubhouse people are given the opportunities to rejoin the worlds of friendships, family, important work, employment, education, and to access the services and supports they may individually need. A Clubhouse is a restorative environment for people who have had their lives drastically disrupted, and need the support of others who believe that recovery is possible for all.
A clubhouse is a psychosocial model of community support for adults living with the effects of a brain injury. It recognizes the value of meaningful work and is structured to provide this experience to members. The clubhouse recognizes that each person has skills and abilities that continue to develop in this work setting where everyone is considered an important contributor to the Clubhouse community. Members of the Clubhouse direct and inspire the program.
Click here to view the Beacon House Facebook page.
Beacon House is supported by state general funds administered by the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, and by generous donations.